Looking for Endodontic Dental Service around Brampton, ON?
Deep cavities or trauma can lead to infections, affecting your root canal nerves and pulp. If left untreated, the pulp of your tooth may become inflamed, leading to a tooth abscess. If your tooth pulp is compromised, you should consider endodontic dental services in Brampton, ON, to save you from pain and discomfort.
What is endodontic treatment?
In most cases, people refer to endodontic treatment as root canal therapy since it’s the most common procedure in the field. An endodontic treatment saves the day when your pulp becomes infected by bacteria. The procedure aims to remove any traces of infection in your tooth. But because the infection is inside your tooth, eliminating bacteria might seem a highly invasive process. However, with modern technology, endodontists perform this procedure to become as simple as a dental filling.
How is root canal treatment done?
When most people visit a dentist and are recommended to undergo a root canal, they become nervous, given the popular misconception that the procedure is painful. However, this fear is unfounded. Modern dentistry enables root canals to be performed with minimal pain, relieving patients from pain due to abscesses or severely damaged teeth.
When you visit our clinic, our doctor will examine your x-ray images for better evaluation. Antibiotics may be prescribed days before the procedure to help fight off any potential infections. During your appointment, the doctor injects anesthesia near the damaged tooth. Within a few minutes, the area becomes numb, reducing pain and discomfort during the process.
Make your family part of the Brampton Dental Arts team of happy smiles Call Us Today : (905) 791-8768 to schedule an appointment.
Next, the dentist drills an opening at the tooth’s center, deep enough to allow the dentist to access the soft tissues in the root. Once the optimal depth is achieved, the doctor will use special tools to remove the pulp and nerves from the root canals. Your dentist will use a disinfectant to clean off any bacteria. Finally, the dentist will use a rubber-like material to fill and seal the spaces left in the root. A composite resin is then used to fill up the cavity left from the drilling.
And folks, that’s how simple root canal therapy is. During the recovery process, please follow your dentist’s recommendation to speed up the process.
Endodontic dental services near me
Would you like to save your tooth with root canal therapy? Please contact (905) 791-8768 to schedule an appointment with Brampton Dental Arts. Dr. Azeem Sheikh has extensive experience performing a root canal procedure to give you a healthier and more attractive smile.
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